Can Dogs Eat Strawberries: Ultimate Guide

Joseph Roetheli, PhD


Strawberries are low-calorie snacks you can offer your dog. 

While strawberries offer some nutritious benefits, you’ll want to avoid giving your dog strawberries frequently and opt for other treats instead. 

Giving your dog Yummy Combs® is a great way to offer your dog a delicious, healthful treat that also benefits their oral health. 

When strawberry season is in full swing, you might find yourself coming home from the market with a fresh carton every few days. The moment you begin to savor the sweetness of a berry, your dog pops up beside you and whines for just a small taste. 

As pet owners, we want to share everything with our dogs, including our food. But dogs’ digestive systems are different from ours. Some human food ingredients (like artificial sweeteners) can be toxic to dogs. Even though dogs make amylase, an enzyme that is necessary to break down carbohydrates, giving your dog too much fresh fruit can harm them. 

We’ll discuss whether or not it’s safe to give your dog strawberries and strawberry-infused treats and also learn about the impact of giving your dog too many. Then, we’ll talk about how your dog’s oral health may be compromised by giving them too much fruit. 

Are Strawberries Good for Dogs?

Strawberries are loaded with antioxidants, vitamin C, and omega-3. These nutrients are beneficial to your pup. 

  • Antioxidants. Antioxidants are necessary for your dog to help fight off free radicals. Just like humans, free radicals can damage our cells, and antioxidants help protect us against that damage.
  • Vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential to your dog’s immune system. Unlike humans, dogs can make their own vitamin C in their livers, but getting a little extra can be beneficial.
  • Omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids are a beneficial part of your dog’s diet and can keep their coats healthy and shiny.
  • Fiber. Fiber has health benefits for your dog’s digestive system, but too much can lead to an upset stomach.
  • Potassium. Potassium is essential for your dog’s muscle and nerve function, and strawberries are a good source of potassium. 

Strawberries are an easy way to give your dog a low-calorie treat by sourcing something from your refrigerator. However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind. 

What To Know About Strawberries and Your Dog

Strawberries contain some natural sugar. Dogs don’t need any sugar in their diet, so it’s important to make sure you don’t give your dog too many berries that could cause them to gain weight. Too much sugar can also cause your dog to develop negative health conditions, like diabetes. 

Strawberries also contain a lot of fiber. While the human gut can handle the added fiber, a dog’s smaller body can’t. Too much fiber can result in gastrointestinal upset, like vomiting, diarrhea, and an upset stomach. 

Lastly, strawberries can impact your dog’s oral health. When your dog eats strawberries, the natural sugar mixes with saliva in your dog’s mouth to form plaque. Plaque sticks to your dog’s teeth and can form hardened tartar which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease

With those considerations in mind, here’s your ultimate guide to using strawberries as dog treats.

How Can I Give My Dog Strawberries?

With strawberries and virtually all human foods, a little goes a long way. Even massive breeds don’t need an entire pint of strawberries. As with any new food you offer your dog, start with small pieces to make sure your dog tolerates it well and doesn’t have an allergy. 

Avoid Adding Sugar or Sweetener

Some people love to dip their strawberries in sugar or a light coating of artificial sweetener. Your dog does not need added sugar, and some sweeteners (like Xylitol) can be toxic for them. Instead, wash your strawberries and offer them to your dog without any extra sweetness. Your dog will still find them sweet without any added granules. 

Remove the Stems

Although your dog may be able to gulp an entire strawberry whole (which isn’t recommended) removing the stem is a good idea. Although the stem isn’t toxic or harmful to your dog, it is filled with fiber and has a bitter taste. For some dogs, the stems and leaves could induce vomiting or cause stomach cramping. 

Only Offer Fresh Strawberries

When it is hot, you might want to offer your dog a frozen strawberry. While this may not be a bad option once in a while, just make sure you read the label and that the strawberries do not contain any added ingredients or preservatives. 

Fresh strawberries should be washed to remove pesticides and dirt and offered when they are fresh. Don’t give your dog your rotten strawberries; it can make them sick, too. 

Avoid Strawberry “Products”

An occasional treat is okay for most dog breeds, but avoid strawberry-flavored treats like strawberry ice cream or fruit snacks. These products usually contain high amounts of sugar and dairy which could lead to weight gain or give your dog digestive issues. 

In addition, the strawberries used in these products is usually made from a puree, which may have less nutritional benefit than the benefits of strawberries in the raw. 

Don’t Use Dried Strawberries

Dried strawberries offer a satisfying crunch and are tempting to use for training treats. They’re convenient, less messy, and definitely won’t stain your carpet. However, dried strawberries will collect water once they are in your dog’s digestive system, which can lead to dehydration and even intestinal blockage. 

Dehydrated strawberries also contain more fiber than fresh strawberries, which can be problematic for your dog’s tummy. 

Offer Bite-Sized Pieces

To avoid a choking hazard, all dog breeds should only be given bite-sized pieces of strawberry as treats. Some dogs tend to gulp treats, which can cause choking and intestinal upset. Small dogs should be given pieces that are large enough to chew, but small enough that they can easily fit into their mouths. 

Larger dogs may be able to accommodate an entire strawberry in their mouths, but it’s best to cut them in half before offering them. 

Reduce Your Dog’s Food

A good rule of thumb for offering treats to your dog is to ensure that treats and snacks only account for about 10% of your dog’s diet. When offering treats, you’ll need to reduce your dog’s kibble by the caloric content of the treats. 

This can become problematic if you are offering treats to your dog that are not nutrient-dense. Ideally, you want to offer treats that are healthful, delicious, and offer a balanced amount of nutrients to make up for the missing nutrients they won’t get from their kibble. 

If you feed strawberries to your dog, make sure you reduce their kibble, but not so much they aren’t getting adequate protein. 

Protect Their Teeth

When you feed a dog any type of food, the food mixes with their saliva to form plaque on the teeth just like it does in a human’s mouth. Unlike humans, however, dogs aren’t regularly brushing that plaque off of their teeth. Instead, much of what they eat sits on their teeth and has the opportunity to form tartar. 

Tartar that leads to gum disease is a major issue. Because 80% of dogs over age three have gum disease (but few of their owners know it), we should be more proactive about our dog’s dental care. 

With strawberries (as with other dog-safe fruits like bananas and blueberries), the high sugar content plays a role in your dog’s tooth care. Although strawberries may be a healthy treat, they aren’t great for your dog’s teeth, so it’s important to brush your dog’s teeth after they have their snack. 

If you’d like to offer a healthy snack that packs in more protein, keeps your dog’s belly full, and even removes up to 25% of hardened tartar from their teeth, there’s a solution. 

Yummy Combs

Yummy Combs are approved by the Veterinary Oral Council as a treat that can help boost your efforts to protect your dog’s oral care. Yummy Combs’ unique design helps them floss and scrub every surface of your dog’s teeth. The wide shape and thin walls deter gulping and dissolve quickly to reduce the risk of choking or obstruction. 

We also combine 44% chicken protein to ensure that your dog is getting the nutrition they need from the treats you offer. Our 12 wellness ingredients help support your dog’s coat, joints, and wellness. Giving your dog Yummy Combs is one of the easiest and smartest ways to care for them. 

It’s Berry Good to Be A Dog

Your dog is your best friend. As a dog owner, you want to make sure your best friend enjoys life, which sometimes means sharing a strawberry with them. For daily treats, offer Yummy Combs to satisfy their cravings, fill their bellies, and keep their teeth sparkly clean. 


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